Wednesday, March 10, 2010

it is what it is

Was a gorgeous day out today , I love spring all the snow melting and everything starting to come back to life. I took my girls for a walk at the nature trail it was so neat to see all the ducks they were all paired up there was one dark brown female with one beautiful coloured male there must have been 50 or more pairs , I cant wait in a month or 2 to see all the baby ducks swimming around . Had this crazy lady meet us on the trail and she had a little female Boston and she freaked out at the idea of her dog touching my dog apparently she figured her dog could get pregnant just from touching. Some people are so weird.

one thing if u know me u will soon realise im not a very religious person but I love to read up on different religions or as some might say cults , I find it very interesting.
Today i was reading about this group called the Raelians , apparently there is more than 60,000 followers around the world now. It was started by some guy in the 70s . Basically they believe in moses , Jesus , Mohamed but they believe they were all messengers of this alien race who were the ones that made man kind in there image. Its actually very interesting to listen to there theory on it and I can easily understand how someone might believe this . not that im saying I do I just understand how its possible. if anyone one is curious like me the website was .
I have to say though the most outrageous one I have ever read about would have to be scientology , ancient alien space lord who dumped a bunch of aliens in ancient earths volcanoes and then made machines to confuse there souls ! i don't even know how u would go about trying to get people to believe that but i guess there's a lot that do . I think mainly because there's a lot of movie stars who follow it.

I personally dont know what I believe . I just try to live my life and be a good person and good to others and hope for the best incase there is something else after this life. it would really suck to think that we just blink out of existance but I guess in a way a part of us carrys on in our childrean and thats something.

Im hoping to go see the new tim burton movie alice in wonderland in 3D sometime soon Im really love this new 3D technoligy at the theatres , they have the tvs that can do it now but they cost over 4 grand. I loved Avatar I went and saw it twice and I never go to see a movie twice in theatres. My friend thought it was crazy that people were getting depressed after seeing it because they couldnt be in that world . I actually kind of understood them , i wasnt depressed by any means but to live in such a beautiful peacful place and to be at one with everything sure does seem nice.

I know its old news now but what was your thoughts on the avatar movie and this new 3D tech they have now ? Oh yeah I would also like to hear about any religions u think are unique.

P.S. if anyone hasnt relised yet im a bit of a film junkie.

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