Tuesday, March 9, 2010

winding down

Just finished watching 2012 , over all its a ridiculous story line but it just looks amazing. before I had kids I use to wish the world would go to shit all the time I remember in 1999 when everyone thought Y2k was gonna destroy the world I had a whole plan made up of what I was gonna do more or less like Mel Gibson in road warrior (lol)
Now that I have kids the thought of something happening that I would have no control over to protect them just makes me sick to my stomach.
I guess ill be sleeping on the couch tonight I let my youngest sleep in my bed earlier and she had a little accident now she and my wife are up stairs sleeping in her bed and I really don't feel like cleaning up the mess tonight.
I got my taxes done yesterday and I got a little money back mostly due to the fact I was a student last year . today I went and got my safety done on my vehicle and it did not pass of course so I had to take the money to get new tire rod ends. I don't think money likes me it never wants to be with me for very long or at all ! anyone else have the same problem ?

Ive been so bored lately , im laid off for the winter so ive been sitting around the house for the last few weeks with nothing to do , I would do some work around the house but that would require money for supplies which I have none of right now.

I believe my Boston terrier to have fleas so i went out and bought some stuff to spray all the furniture and bedding and some flea shampoo for him so I guess that will be my task for tomorrow. I dont much like spraying pesticide on the furniture my kids use but I dont like the idea of there possibly being fleas there either. Should never have taken my dog with me when I went to my fathers farm I should have known better. ah well live and learn I guess.

well if anyone ends up reading this maybe u could give me some hints on what kinds of things to write about , for example do people usually write about past experiences in there life or what things they want to happen or just what happens day by day . Maybe just a mixture of all ?

I must apologize my punctuation is horrible was never very good at that but my spelling is usually not to bad, but there's always spell check for that anyways.

well Im gonna read a TPB series called Preacher Really good story if u never have heard of it. God basically quits on mankind and this guy goes looking for him . A lot more to it than that If anyone is ever interested I could fill u in.



  1. I just started to blog as well. Maybe some ideas I have are you could write about how your day was, what your day consisted of. Your past, your family, things you adore and love. Your wishes in life, accomplishments, pretty much anything that's on your mind, just type it on here.

    Hope I helped ya'.

  2. Thanks for your advice I have to be perfectly honest before watching that episode of house I had no idea what a blog was and when I read up on it they said u should pick one subject and go with that but i think im gonna go the route of this just being an outlet for what evers on my mind at the time.
